Tables including education variables (CNED-2000). 2002-2013 Series Active population

Active population by nationality, sex and level of education attained

Units:Thousands Persons
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      • Nationality
      • Period
      • Sex
      • Educational level attained
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  • Notes ( 4 )
    • Since the first quarter 2003, the category "secondary education second stage and training and integration into the labour market" includes the programmes of Social Guarantee/Professional Initiation. The new official university degree and master's degree are included within the higher education, except the doctorate
    • Since the first quarter 2007, the 27 countries of the European Union (EU-27) are included, except Spain. Therefore, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Danemark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom Sweden are included, followed by 10 countries (Cyprus, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia), that take part of the European Union since the 1 May 2004 and by Bulgaria and Romania, that were attached the 1 January 2007. Up to the fourth quarter 2006, the results of the European Union correspond to the EU-25.
    • The persons with dual nationality are those that, besides the Spanish nationality, have other nationality (Foreign).
    • Only the population of Foreign nationality living on family dwellings is considered, as it occurs with the population of Spanish nationality
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