Women and Men in Spain Reasons for part-time work by age group. Part-time work by type of household People between 18 and 64 according to if they have or have not stopped working, or have or have not reduced the work load during at least one month in a row (1), to take care of dependant family members (2), by sex. 2018 Unidades: % Dejó de trabajar Redujo el tiempo de trabajo Ni dejó de trabajar ni redujo el tiempo de trabajo Nunca tuvo que cuidar de familiares dependientes No sabe/No contesta Males 2,3 0,5 39 57,7 0,4 Females 5,6 1,1 40,5 52,2 0,6 Notas: All persons verify that they have at least one child under the age of 8 and that they are employed or at least they had worked once since the birth of their youngest child. Fuente: