INEbase / List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit / Search results

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7 results found

List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit at 1st January
Province Municipality Population unit  Year 2006  Year 2007  Year 2008
Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females
09 Burgos 391 Tórtoles de Esgueva 00 00 00 TÓRTOLES DE ESGUEVA 501 275 226 509 282 227 508 281 227
09 Burgos 391 Tórtoles de Esgueva 00 01 00 TÓRTOLES DE ESGUEVA 402 217 185 412 225 187 414 225 189
09 Burgos 391 Tórtoles de Esgueva 00 01 01 TÓRTOLES DE ESGUEVA 387 208 179 398 216 182 400 216 184
09 Burgos 391 Tórtoles de Esgueva 00 01 99 *DISEMINADO* TÓRTOLES DE ESGUEVA 15 9 6 14 9 5 14 9 5
09 Burgos 391 Tórtoles de Esgueva 00 02 00 VILLOVELA DE ESGUEVA 99 58 41 97 57 40 94 56 38
09 Burgos 391 Tórtoles de Esgueva 00 02 01 VILLOVELA DE ESGUEVA 93 56 37 91 55 36 88 54 34
09 Burgos 391 Tórtoles de Esgueva 00 02 99 *DISEMINADO* VILLOVELA DE ESGUEVA 6 2 4 6 2 4 6 2 4