
Cifras INE

Electronic banking and financial services

A comparison within Spain and the EU

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A total of 62% of the population aged 16 to 74 (35.2 million) used electronic banking services in the last 3 months in 2020. Internet financial activities - including signing up for insurance policies, the formalization of loans or mortgages and the sale of financial assets - were used in the last 3 months by 10% of the population in that age group, or more than 3.5 million people.

The use of the Internet for banking transactions has increased 35 points since 2011, rising above the European Union (EU) average in the last year. Financial activities, however, had a lower presence: A total of 10% in Spain compared to 12% on average in the EU and 13% in the Eurozone. Within these generally low figures, the purchase of insurance policies appears to be the most common (7%), while the acquisition of financial assets is the least common (3%).

A total of 22% of persons who used the Internet in the last year stated that they did not carry out banking operations online due to security concerns.

Sources: INE (Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households), Eurostat

Subir Electronic banking. Users and growth

Tabla países europeos
Evolución usuarios banca

Subir Electronic banking. Regional differences and user profile

usuarios de banca por grupo de edadusuarios de banca por estudios terminados
mapa usuarios banca EspañaTrabajadores tic

Subir Electronic banking. Problems with confidence among the elderly

mayores usando móvilEvolución de preocupación por seguridad
Tabla actividades no hechas por desconfianzailustración de fraude por internet

Subir Internet financial activities

servicios financieros en ue y España
Foto de bloques de monedasusuarios de servicios financieros según ingresos

© INE 2024  www.ine.es   Aviso Legal  Avda. Manoteras, 52 - 28050 - Madrid - España
NIPO 222-24-017-2  ISSN 2255-162X Catálogo de publicaciones de la Administración General del Estado: http://publicacionesoficiales.boe.es    Fotografías: Fotolia.com