Application of the optimization approach to selective editing in the Spanish Industrial Turnover Index and Industrial New Orders Received Index Survey
Doc: 04/2014.
We describe in detail the redesign process of the editing and imputation strategy of theSpanish Industrial Turnover Index and Industrial New Orders Received Index survey. Thisprocess incorporates the optimization approach to selective editing in its combinatorialversion, which we show to contain the score function approach for output editing as aparticular case. We also include considerations about editing during data collection and astandardized expression for edits in short-term business statistics. The process embracesfrom the design of the new edits to their implementation in production. As a global result,the rate of selected units for interactive editing (the most resource-consuming directlyimpinging on both costefectiveness and response burden) has been reduced 20percentage points on average without diminishing data quality.
Palabras clave / Key words: Selective editing, optimization approach, editing and imputation strategy design
Application of the optimization approach to selective editing in the Spanish Industrial Turnover Index and Industrial New Orders Received Index Survey (Pdf 398 KB)R. López-Ureña, M. Mancebo, S. Rama, D. Salgado