Iris: Codificador automático internacional de Causas de muerte
Doc: 01/2016
Statistics on causes of death are the main source of information for epidemiological research or social and health policy decisions. Mortality statistics consider the underlying cause of death. The selection of the underlying cause is based on the guidelines and rules described in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Although highly qualified coders perform the selection of the underlying cause, discrepancies in the interpretation of the ICD reduce the homogeneity of mortality statistics at international level.
The interest in improving the mortality quality data has prompted the researchers to develop automatic systems for the coding and selection of the underlying cause of death. Iris, the promising automatic coding software used by an increasing number of countries, is the result of many years of effort and international cooperation.
Palabras clave / Key words: Causes of death statistics, underlying cause of death, International Classification Diseases, automatic systems, coding.
Iris: Codificador automático internacional de Causas de muerte (Pdf 3275 KB)Jesús Carrillo, Mª del Rosario González