Corona de Castilla livestock census. 1752. Book I. Secular persons

Cover of the publication

Transcription of the contents of books H of the General States or Summaries made by the Board of Single Contribution with the data compiled in order to form the urban real estate register of la Ensenada. Volume one I shows the livestock belonging to secular residents and Volume II shows that belonging to clergy. Nevertheless, the necessary elements have been introduced in order to bring about a speedy juxtaposing of data, when there is a preference for joining them in relation with a specific locality.

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  • Format:  Print
  • Number of pages: 628
  • Publication date: 10-05-96
  • Price (including VAT):  46.69 €

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    As explained in the prologue, the livestock on which a report is made is not that possessed by the neighbours in each village but rather that which is used for livestock operations. Even then, it includes the so called "cooped", in other words, poultry and rabbit farming.