Calculation of the Consumer Price Index percentage changes (CPI system base 2021)

Change in the Overall Index by Autonomous Community on the CPI system base 2021 from Agosto 2009 to Marzo 2024
Index Percentage(%)
National 33.1
Andalucía 33.0
Aragón 32.5
Asturias, Principado de 32.1
Balears, Illes 33.1
Canarias 28.9
Cantabria 33.5
Castilla y León 35.0
Castilla-La Mancha 35.5
Cataluña 35.3
Comunitat Valenciana 32.2
Extremadura 31.9
Galicia 34.9
Madrid, Comunidad de 30.5
Murcia, Región de 32.5
Navarra, Comunidad Foral de 33.1
País Vasco 34.1
Rioja, La 33.7
Ceuta 28.0
Melilla 30.3
Method used for calculating CPI percentage changes is described in the methodology
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