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Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS). Special Modules
Period INEbase number Notes Download
Year 2023: Pensions and participation in the labor market June 2024 Download
Year 2022: Profesional skills June 2023 Download
Year 2021: Situation of inmigrants and their children in relation to labour market June 2022 Download
2020. Accidents at work and other work-related health problems June 2021 Download
2019: Organisation and duration of the workday June 2020 Download
Year 2018. Conciliation between working life and family life June 2019 Download
2017. Self-Empoyment June 2018 Download
Year 2016. Young people on the labour market June 2017 Download
Year 2014. Situation of immigrants and their children in the labour market June 2015 Download
2013. Ad hoc Module on accidents at work and other work-related health problems June 2014 Download
Year 2012. Labour market transition to retirement June 2013 Download
Year 2011. Health problems and their bearing on employment July 2012
Year 2010. Conciliation between working life and family life April 2011 CD-EPA: 2nd Q 2011
Year 2009. Youth Entry into the Job Market. October 2010 CD-EPA: 3rd Q 2010
Year 2008. Employment situation of immigrants and their closest descendants April 2009 CD-EPA: 2nd Q 2009
Year 2007. Occupational accidents and work-related illnesses April 2008 CD-EPA: 2nd Q 2008
Year 2006. Leaving the emp. market and making the transition towards retirement October 2007 CD-EPA: 3rd Q 2007
Year 2005. Work life balance April 2006 CD-EPA: 2nd Q 2006
Year 2001. Special labour relationships and working conditions and schedules October 2005 CD-EPA: 4th Q 2005
Year 1999. Work related accidents and illnesses October 2005 CD-EPA: 4th Q 2005
Year 2000. Education to labour market transition October 2005 CD-EPA: 4th Q 2005
Year 2004. Organisation and duration of the working day August 2005
Year 2002. Disabled persons and their relationship with work February 2005
Year 2003. Teaching/training courses received during the last 12 months February 2005