Population and housing censuses 1991. Definitive results.

    1    What would you like to do?   Create tables See list of tables See tutorial
    2    Select the geographical scope for the query   National Autonomous Comunity Provinces Municipalities
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Welcome to the information query system for the Population and Housing Censuses on Internet.

Unlike a classical query system in which a determined list of tables is shown, this system offers an unlimited set of tables. It is sufficient to follow four simple steps for which we offer preliminary guidelines. If you require more information consult the tutorial.

- Step 1. What do you wish to do? we recommend that you choose "create tables".

- Step 2. Choose the geographical scope of the query. Currently the lowest level is municipal.

- Step 3. Choose the group. Information is offered on persons, buildings, housing, premises, family nuclei and households.

As a consequence of the filtering of the new persons variables, small variations have occurred without statistical relevance in some household data and family nuclei with respect to the previous version.

- Paso 4. Puede crear ya la estructura de la tabla (recomendado) o introducir filtros como por ejemplo, dar sólo información para mujeres, o unas edades determinadas.

Si lo desea puede cambiar la unidad de medida en que se presentan los datos para obtener tasas, porcentajes, índices, etc.