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Industrial Production Index (IPI). July 2024. Provisional data 10 September 2024

The annual rate of the Industrial Production Index stands at -0.4% in the series adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects, and at 4.4% in the original series. The monthly variation of the Industrial Production Index is -0.4% if seasonal and calendar effects are eliminated.

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Industrial Production Indices - July 2024
Indicator Note Annual variation in the original series Annual variation in the corrected series
General index 4.4 -0.4
Consumer goods 7.8 0.9
Capital goods 0.9 -4.8
Intermediate goods 6.6 1.5
Energy 0.8 0.3
  • Seasonally and calendar adjusted series
Latest data
July 2024 Published: 10/09/2024
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Did you know...?

The Industrial Production Index (IPI) is a short-term indicator that measures the monthly evolution of the productive activity of the industrial branches, excluding construction, contained in the National Classification of Economic Activities 2009 (CNAE-2009). It therefore investigates the activities included in sections B, C, D and division 36: Water collection, treatment and supply, from section E of the CNAE-2009.

The IPI measures the joint evolution of quantity and quality, removing the influence of prices. In order to obtain this information a continuous monthly survey is carried out which investigates over 11,500 establishments every month.