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Central Business Register. CBR. January 1st 2023 14 December 2023

The number of active companies increased by 0.5% during 2022 to 3.20 million. 18.3% of the active companies were 20 years old or more and 19.0% were less than two years old.

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Active companies by economic sector - Desagregación municipal. 01/01/2023
Indicator Note Value
Sectors total 3,207,580
Industry 177,865
Construction 376,996
Trade 646,339
Other services 2,006,380
  • Debido a la entrada en vigor del Reglamento EBS 2019/2152 y su Acto de Implementación 2020/1197, la EED a 1 Enero 2023 presenta datos no comparables con los de ejercicios anteriores.
Latest data
Desagregación municipal. 01/01/2023 Published: 20/12/2023

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Did you know...?

The Central Business Register (CBR) groups all Spanish companies and their local units located in the national territory in azsingle information system. Its basic objective is to make possible the carrying out of economic surveys by sampling. It is updated once a year, generating a new information system at 1st January of every period.

The Statistical Use of the Central Business Register contains aggregated information on the companies and local units that operate in the national territory. A statistical use of the results is published for companies and local units, with reference to 1st January of each year, and broken down by Autonomous Communities, legal condition, economic activity and assigned employee stratum.