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Harmonized Business Demography. Year 2021 8 November 2023

In Spain, 3,416,248 economically active enterprises operated in 2021. 314,033 were created whereas 250,182 disappeared, meaning a net rate of 1.9%. 45.4% of the enterprises born in 2016 are surviving after five years under observation.

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Stock, births and deaths of enterprises by economic sector - Year 2021
Indicator Note Stock of companies Births rate (%) Deaths rate (%)
Total sectors 3,416,248 9.2 7.3
Industry 194,308 5.3 5.1
Construction 407,702 9.7 7.2
Trade 729,343 8.1 7.5
Rest of services 2,084,895 9.8 7.5
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Year 2021 Published: 08/11/2023
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The Harmonized Business Demography aims at providing aggregate information regarding the population of enterprises established in the national territory, considering aspects linked to business dynamism, and applying a methodology agreed on within the scope of the European Union. This methodology enables the development of indicators related to the stock, births, deaths and survivals of enterprises, through a harmonized statistical exploitation of the Statistical Business Registers managed in the National Statistical Offices.