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Spanish Regional Accounts. SRA. 2000-2022 Series 18 December 2023

Illes Balears was the autonomous community that in 2022 recorded the highest growth in its GDP in terms of volume (12.5%). It was followed by Canarias (9.7%) and Comunidad de Madrid (7.2%). The autonomous communities with the lowest GDP variation rates were Extremadura (2.1%), Castilla-La Mancha (2.2%) and Castilla y León (3.1%).

Previous press releases
Gross domestic product per capita. Year 2021
  Note Value Annual variation
Total Nacional   28,162 9.2
Andalucía   21,091 9.2
Aragón   31,051 8.3
Asturias, Principado de   25,675 9.9
Balears, Illes   29,603 16.5
Canarias   22,303 13.4
Cantabria   26,167 9.1
Castilla y León   26,992 8.3
Castilla - La Mancha   22,574 8.1
Cataluña   32,550 8.7
Comunitat Valenciana   24,473 8.2
Extremadura   21,343 9.4
Galicia   25,906 9.2
Madrid, Comunidad de   38,435 8.6
Murcia, Región de   23,197 8.0
Navarra, Comunidad Foral de   33,798 8.9
País Vasco   35,832 9.4
Rioja, La   29,579 9.6
Ceuta   23,073 10.0
Melilla   20,698 9.2
  • Value in euros
Latest data
Serie 2000-2022 Published: 18/12/2023

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Did you know...?

The Spanish Regional Accounts (SRA) is a statistical operation that the INE has been carrying out since 1980 and whose main objective is to provide a quantified, systematic and as complete a description as possible of the regional economic activity in Spain (Autonomous Communities and provinces), during the considered reference period.

This information allows the analysis and evaluation of the structure and development of the regional economies and serves as a statistical base for the design, execution and monitoring of regional policies.

The regional accounts are a specification of the national accounts; that is, the Spanish National Accounts (SNA) are the conceptual and quantitative framework in which the SRA is integrated.