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Statistics on Transfer of Property Rights (STPR). July 2024. Provisional data 26 September 2024

In July, 191,192 properties were registered in the property registers, 12.2% more than in the same month of the previous year. The number of registered property sales and purchases increased by 19.4% compared with July 2023.

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Total of property transfers recorded in the land registries - July 2024
Indicator Note Value Monthly change Annual change
Total of property transfers 191,192 8.9 12.2
Merchanting of dwellings 57,302 14.4 19.4
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July 2024 Published: 26/09/2024
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Did you know...?

The Statistics on transfer of property rights provide information on the number of rights on transfers of property during the reference month, on a national level, by province and Autonomous Community.

The Association of Land and Mercantile Registrars
All information on transfers of property is taken from the information contained in the Land Registers for the whole country, by virtue of a partnership agreement signed in 2004 by both institutions.