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Equipment and Use of ICT in Households. Year 2023 28 November 2023

El 95,4% de la población de 16 a 74 años ha usado Internet en los tres últimos meses (0,9 puntos más que en 2022). El 55,9% ha comprado en la red en los tres últimos meses (0,6 puntos más que en 2022). El 66,2% poseen habilidades digitales básicas o avanzadas.

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Equipment and use of ICT in households - Year 2023
Indicator Note Value Variation
Households with broadband connection 1 96.4 0.3
Homes with some type of computer 1 82.6 -0.3
Persons that have used the Internet (last 3 months) 2 95.4 0.9
Daily interner users 2 90.0 2.9
Persons that have shopped online (last 3 months) 2 55.9 0.6
  • Value as a percentage. Variation difference as compared to the previous rate
    • Households with at least a member aged 16 to 74 years old
    • Persons aged 16 to 74 years old
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Year 2023 Published: 28/11/2023
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Did you know...?

The statistical operation follows the methodological recommendations of the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), which also co-finances its execution costs, allowing comparisons between Spain and other countries and satisfying the requirements of international organisations.

The survey has been carried out annually since 2002, converging with the Eurostat methodology as of 2006.

The general objective of the ICT-H Survey is to obtain data on the development and evolution of what has been called the Information Society.

To this end, information is collected on household equipment in information and communication technologies (internet connection, fixed and mobile telephony, computer equipment) and on the use and new habits of the Spanish population regarding the Internet: activities carried out, use of the electronic commerce, computer skills and knowledge, measures adopted on protection, security and privacy, relations with electronic administration and the teleworking. Special attention is given to the use that children make of technology.