Latest press releases

Libraries Statistics. Year 2018 10 December 2019

The number of registered library users decreases 2.0% between the years 2016 and 2018. The stock of electronic books reached 19.6 million in 2018, with an increase of 21.3%.

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Libraries and users - Year 2018
Indicator Note Number Variación bienal
Libraries 6,458 -2.7
Registered users 21,828,897 -2.0
Room visits 197,761,115 0.3
  • Variation: percentage compared to the previous period (biennial statistics)
Latest data
Year 2018 Published: 10/12/2019
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Did you know...?

The library statistics have been conducted by the National Institute for Statistics every two years since 1986. The statistics provide information about the activity and the structural characteristics of libraries.

To facilitate international comparability is carried out via filling in questionnaires from international institutions (UNESCO, EUROSTAT, IFLA).

The investigation was extended to all Spanish libraries, with the exception of school and private libraries whose use is not permitted to the public even under special conditions.

Starting in 2019, information about this operation is available on the website of the Ministry of Culture in the section main cultural statistics.