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European health survey in Spain. 2020 26 April 2021

75.5% of the population aged 15 and over rated their health status as good or very good in 2020, almost five points more than in 2014. The number of daily smokers maintained its downward trend and stood at the 19.8% of people aged 15 and over.

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Encuesta europea de salud en España 2020
    Valor absoluto Valor relativo Variación
Personas de 15 y más años con buena o muy buena salud   30.183,8 75,5% 4,5%
Población con alguna enfermedad o problema de salud crónicos   21.696,5 54,3% -5,5%
Consumidores diarios de tabaco 1 7.892,9 19,8% -3,2%
Consumidores diarios de alcohol 1 5.038,5 12,6% -2,5%
  • 1. Sólo se refiere a la población de 15 y más años
  • Valor absoluto: miles de personas
  • Valor relativo: % sobre el total poblacional
  • Variación: % respecto a 2014
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Year 2020 Published: 26/04/2021

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Did you know...?

The European Health Survey in Spain (EHSS) is a research addressed to all people aged 15 and over who reside in family dwellings throughout the national territory. Its main objective is to collect data on health status, the use of health services and health determinants, harmonized and comparable at a European level. Its frequency is every five years, alternating every two and a half years with the National Health Survey, with which it shares a set of harmonised variables.

In the survey conducted in 2020, approximately 37,500 homes were investigated distributed among 2,500 census sections. Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad.