Series since 2006. Results with classification ECOICOP A partir del año 2016, la EPF incorpora la nueva clasificación europea de consumo (ECOICOP). En la recogida se ha utilizado una clasificación ampliada, ECOICOP/Recogida. En la tabulación se incluye tanto la ECOICOP como otra nueva clasificación (ECOICOP/EPF) que fundamentalmente consiste en agrupar determinados códigos de la ECOICOP con el objetivo de ofrecer información más consistente.

Notice on EPF data for 2023 The EPF data for 2023 have been prepared based on population figures updated with the 2021 census. This change in populations produces a break in the data series published up to now, which prevents homogeneous comparisons. The 2022 data have been recalculated to obtain the variation rates with respect to the previous year. In a second phase, the revision of the detailed results and microdata files for the year 2022 and previous years will be published and the comparable series will be made available to users.

The INE is not responsible for the results that the recipients of the data obtain from these files based on their own calculations. In addition, recipients undertake to cite, in any publication derived therefrom, the INE as the primary data source (source: INE,, as well as the fact that the degree of accuracy or reliability of the information derived from the authors' own calculations is the sole responsibility of the authors themselves.

Household Budget Survey. From 2016. Results with ECOICOP classification


    Aviso: Con fecha 15 de noviembre se han revisado los ficheros microdato de la encuesta para el año 2020 debido a un error en las variables relativas al gasto monetario y al salario en especie, permaneciendo sin variación el gasto total. Por tanto, las estimaciones realizadas a partir de los ficheros microdato de 2020 alojados en la web del INE desde junio de 2021 que no incluyan gastos monetarios o no monetarios siguen siendo válidas.


    Household Budget Survey. 2006-2015 Period. Results with COICOP classification


Household Budget Survey. Module on well-being