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Living Conditions Survey (LCS). Year 2023. Final results 26 February 2024

The percentage of the population at risk of poverty or social exclusion increased to 26.5%, from 26.0% in 2022. The percentage of the population that was in a situation of severe material and social deprivation increased to 9.0%, compared to 7.7% the previous year.

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Life Conditions Survey. Base 2013 - Year 2023
Indicator Note Value Variation
Average income per household 1 34,821.0 8.1
Population at risk of poverty 2 20.2 -0.2
  • Value in Euros, referred to the year prior to the interview. Annual variation as a percentage
  • Value as a percentage. Variation: variation as compared to the rate of the previous year
Latest data
Year 2023 Published: 26/02/2024
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Did you know...?

The Living Conditions Survey (LCS) has been carried out since 2004. Based on harmonised criteria for all European Union countries, its main objective is to have a reference source on statistics comparing income distribution and social exclusion within Europe.

The carrying out of the LCS provides the European Commission with a first class statistical instrument for poverty and inequality studies, a follow up of social cohesion within the relevant territory, the study of population needs and the impact of social and economic policies on households and people, as well as the design of new policies.