- 2011 Edition
- National data
- Data by Autonomous Communities
- European Union Data
- Initials of the organisms
- AIMC. Association for the Research of the Media
- ALTADIS. Alliance, Tobacco and Distribution
- CGPJ. General Council of the Judiciary Branch
- EUROSTAT. Statistical Office of the European Communities
- FOMENTO. Ministry of Fostering
- IMSERSO. Institute for the Elderly and Social Services
- INSALUD. National Health Institute
- ISFAS. Social Institute of the Armed Forces
- MAPA. Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food
- MARM. Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs
- MAS. Ministry of Social Affairs
- MC. Ministry of Culture
- ME. Ministry of Education
- MEH. Ministry of Economy and Treasury
- MI. Home Office
- MECD. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
- MMA. Ministry of the Environment
- MSC. Ministry of Health and Consumption
- MSPSI. Ministry of Health and Social Policy and Equality
- MSSSI. Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality
- MTAS. Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- MTIN. Ministry of Labour and Immigration
- MUFACE. General Society of State Civil Servants
- MUGEJU. General Judicial Society
- OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- OEPM. Spanish Patent and Trademark Office
- ONLAE. Spanish National Lotteries
- ONT. National Transplant Organisation
- SGAE. General Association of Writers and Publishers
Latest data
2011 Edition Published: 31/05/2012
Did you know...?
Until 2011, the National Institute for Statistics conducted this compilation of indicators related with global aspects of the social reality, offering a comparison on a national level, for the autonomous community, province and with the different countries of the European Union.
The objects of the investigation are classified according to fields of social preoccupation; family and social relations, education, work,income, distribution and consumption, social protection, physical environment, culture and leisure, social cohesion and participation.