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Survey on Water Supply and Sewerage. Year 2022 23 July 2024

The average water consumption of households was 128 litres per inhabitant per day in 2022, 3.9% less than in 2020. The unit cost of water rose by 0.3%, to 1.92 euros per cubic metre.

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Volume of water registered and supplied to users - Year 2022
Indicator Note Value Variation
Households 1 2,212 -3.6
Economic sectors 1 651 5.3
Municipal consumption and others 1 289 6.3
Average consumption of the households 2 133 3.8
Supply unit cost 3 1.16 1.7
Sewerage unit cost 3 0.80 -2.6
  • Variation: Percentage over 2014
    • Cubic hectometres
    • Litres per inhabitant and day
    • Euuros per cubic metre
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Year 2022 Published: 23/07/2024
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Did you know...?

The main objective of the statistics on water supply and sewerage is to quantify in physical units and and value in economic magnitudes the activities relating to the so-called integral water cycle, comprising water supply and treatment (sewerage system and filtering of waste water).

Moreover, they provide information necessary for drafting water satellite accounts and meets the demand for this type of data by different users (national and international bodies, companies in the sector and public administrations).

The obtained information is integrated with data provided by INE company economic surveys (industrial and services) in order to gain a fuller picture of the water situation in our economy. Synthesis indicators are also drafted enabling interpretation of results obtained from users.