- Type of survey: annual structural surveys; different economic activities are investigated alternately
- Population scope: the population under study depends on the sectors studied each year
- Geographical scope: the entire national territory
- Reference period of the results: calendar year prior to the data collection
- Reference period of the information: the calendar year
- Sample size: an average of 7,000 units per year
- Type of sampling: Stratified sampling
- Collection method: Questionnaire completed by the respondent using one of the following ways: internet (IRIA system), email, fax, telephone or postal.
- Standardised Methodological Report
- File in the Inventory of Statistical Operations: 30078
Methodology documents, questionnaires, classifications...
- Waste generation in industrial sector: Methodology - Questionnaire
- Waste generation in services and construction Methodology - Questionnaire
- Table of equivalence
- Waste statistics regulations