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Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence (SDVGV) . Year 2023 17 May 2024

The number of women victims of gender violence increased by 12.1% in 2023, to 36,582. The rate of victims of gender violence was 1.7 per 1,000 women aged 14 years old and over. The number of victims of domestic violence increased by 12.0%.

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Domestic violence and gender violence - Year 2023
Indicator Note Violencia de género Violencia doméstica
Victims 1,2 36,582 9,126
Persons convicted 3,4 37,161 8,687
Persons reported 1,4 36,434 7,526
  • Refers to cases initiated in the reference year
  • Gender violence only refers to women. Domestic violence can refer to both men and women
  • Refers to final judgements in the reference year, which may have been initiated that same year or in previous years
  • Gender violence only refers to men. Domestic violence can refer to both men and women
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Year 2023 Published: 17/05/2024
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Did you know...?

The Statistics on Domestic Violence and Gender Violence are obtained from the statistical use of the Central Register for the Protection of Victims of Domestic and Gender Violence.The data treatment of both registers has been performed by virtue of the Partnership Agreement subscribed between the two institutions on 2007, updated and renewed on November 21, 2017.

Register during the reference year. As of 2015 information is also published concerning final judgments handed down in the reference year, which correspond to cases that were recorded in the Registry of that year or of previous years.

The information is disseminated on a national level and by Autonomous Community. Results are provided regarding victims and persons reported, analysing their socio-demographic characteristics. Information is also provided regarding criminal offences allocated and interim measures ordered.