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Environmental accounts. Air Emission Accounts. Preview 2023 and year 2022 13 November 2024

The Spanish economy emitted 287.7 million tonnes of Greenhouse Gases in 2023, 5.5% less than in 2022. Households accounted for 22.9%. There has been a 30.9% reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions since 2008.

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Greenhouse gas emissions - Serie 2008-2023
Indicator Note Value Variation
Total 287,729.1 -5.5
Carbon dioxide 231,501.4 -5.7
Methane 42,041.4 -1.0
Nitrous oxide 10,248.3 -6.3
Other GHG 3,938.0 -28.0
  • Value: thousands of tonnes of equivalent CO2. Variation: Percentage over the previous year
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Serie 2008-2023 Published: 13/11/2024
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Did you know...?

The objective of the Environmental Accounts (EA) is to integrate the environmental information in a coherent way in the central system of National Accounts. They include a set of satellite accounts, with annual transmission, compiled using the accounting formats applicable to the different sectoral and territorial areas, with a strong presence of physical data. They show the interaction between the economy, households and environmental factors.

The Air Emissions Accounts present data regarding the polluting emissions into the atmosphere, in a way that is compatible with the National Accounts System, registering the emitting agents, broken down by branch of economic activity and households as final consumers.

Air Emissions Accounts¿ estimates are carried out from the National Inventories of Atmospheric Emissions, prepared by the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico. They use the IPCC and EMEP/EEA methodology with the NFR/CRF nomenclature (Nomenclature for reports/common report format), which groups the emissions within sectors, categories and subcategories.

The Emissions Account is constructed from a set of aggregated indicators on the origin and destination of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere that are sourced from a wide variety of statistical operations, which in turn are subject to their own availability and revision schedule. This means that the estimates of the aggregates are subject to a process of revision of the complete series of results that guarantee the updating of estimation methods.