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Environmental accounts. Environmental taxes. Preview 2022 and year 2021 23 November 2023

Environmental taxes reached 20,529 million euros in 2022, 3.2% less than in the previous year. They accounted for 6.2% of total taxes in the Spanish economy, nine tenths less than in 2021. Households paid 49.9% of total environmental taxes, 3.2 points more than the previous year.

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Environmental Taxes - Serie 2008-2022
Indicator Note Value Variation
Total 20,529.0 -3.2
Energy 16,555.0 -4.4
Transport 3,012.0 6.8
Pollution and resources 962.0 -9.5
  • Value: million euros. Variation: Percentage over the previous year
Latest data
Serie 2008-2022 Published: 23/11/2023
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Did you know...?

The objective of the Environmental Accounts (EA) is to integrate the environmental information in a coherent way in the central system of National Accounts. They include a set of satellite accounts, with annual transmission, compiled using the accounting formats applicable to the different sectoral and territorial areas, with a strong presence of physical data. They show the interaction between the economy, households and environmental factors.

The Environmental tax account presents the breakdown, by branch of activity and household sector as final consumers, of those taxes whose taxable base consists of a physical unit (or similar) of some material that has a proven and specific negative impact on the environment.