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Continuous Household Survey. Year 2020 7 April 2021

The average number of households in Spain increased by 129,100 during 2020 reaching 18,754,800. The average household size stood at 2.50 people, the same as the previous year. 55.0% of young people aged 25 to 29 lived with their parents.

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Households according to their composition - Year 2020
Indicator Note Value Annual change
Total Households 18,754,800 0.7
Average household size 1 2.5 0.0
Single person under 65 years old 2,758,500 -0.9
Single person aged 65 or over 2,131,400 6.1
Couple without children 3,913,800 -0.6
Couple with children 6,208,100 -0.2
Mother or father with children 1,944,800 3.0
  • Number of persons
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Year 2020 Published: 07/04/2021
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Did you know...?

The Continuous Household Survey (ECH) is an investigation that offers annual information on the basic demographic characteristics of the population, the households that make up and the dwellings they inhabit. The information is offered disaggregated by autonomous communities and provinces. On the population, it provides data by sex, age, marital status, country of birth, nationality, situation at home. For households it provides information on its size and composition and for households on its tenure regime, useful surface, rooms, year of construction and type of building. /p>