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Vital Statistics / Basic Demographic Indicators / Life Tables . Year 2022 22 November 2023

Births fell by 2.4% during 2022 and the average number of children per woman fell to 1.16. The number of deaths increased by 3.0% compared to the previous year. The natural population growth of the resident population presented a negative balance of 133,250 people. Marriages increased by 20.5% compared to 2021.

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Demographic indicators - Year 2022
Indicator Note Value Annual change
Gross birth rate 1 6.88 -3.11
Short-term fertility indicator. 2 1.16 -1.97
Average maternity age 3 32.61 0.07
Gross mortality rate 1 9.67 2.11
Infant mortality rate (younger than one year of age) 4 2.60 2.23
Life expectancy at birth 3 83.08 0.07
Gross marriage rate 1 3.74 20.09
  • Per thousand inhabitants
  • Number of children per woman
  • Number of years
  • Per thousand live births
Latest data
2022 Published:22/11/2023 and 13/12/2023

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Did you know...?

The Basic Demographic Indicators constitute a collection of indicators that summarize the historical evolution of the behaviour of basic demographic phenomena in Spain (birth rate, fertility, mortality and marriage rate), of the divorces, of the migratory movements, and of the growth and structure of the population resident in the country. They are calculated from the results of the statistics of Births, Deaths and Marriages, of the Statistics on Annulments, Separations and Divorces, of the Statistics on migration and of the Figures of population resident in Spain of reference.

National, Autonomous and provincial demographic indicators are published, calculated according to basic demographic characteristics, such as sex, age and nationality (Spanish/foreign). The series of results started in 1975, although the breakdown by nationality has only been available since 2002, divorce indicators begin in 2005 and the indicators on migration movement started in 2008.