Population registered in the register on 01/01/2021 - Definitive data 01/01/2022
Indicator Note Value Annual change
Total 47,475,420 0.20
Spanish 41,932,488 0.00
Foreings 5,542,932 1.90
Latest data
Definitive data 01/01/2022 Published: 24/01/2023

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Did you know...?

The Municipal Register is the administrative register where municipality residents are recorded. Its formation, maintenance, revision and custody corresponds to the respective Town Councils, who must submit the monthly variations that occur in Municipal register data to the INE.

The Continuous Register Statistic is developed based on the exhaustive use of basic variables contained in register files available in the INE. The data on the population residing in Spain at 1 January each year is provided, according to place of residence, sex, age, nationality and place of birth. Data on place of residence are provided for different levels of territorial disaggregation: national, Autonomous Communities, provinces, municipalities and census sections.

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