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Annual Spanish National Accounts: main aggregates. 2020-2022 18 September 2023

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Spain registered growth in volume in 2022 5.8% compared to 2021, according to the advance estimate of the National Accounts Annual. This data represents an increase of three tenths compared to that advanced by the Quarterly National Accounts (CNTR) in March.

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Gross Domestic Product
Indicator Note Value Annual change
Gross domestic product at market prices 1,2 1,346,377 10.2
Chained volume index. Reference 2015 2 110.7 5.8
National gross income 1,2 1,352,772 9.8
Available national gross income 1,2 1,338,303 9.7
Full-time equivalent employment 2,3 19,210.8 3.7
  • Value in millions of euros
  • Data for Year 2022 (Preview)
  • Value: thousands of job positions
Latest data
Year 2022 Published: 18/09/2023

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Did you know...?

The Annual Spanish National Accounts: main aggregates is a summary statistic that provides the main aggregates of the national economy (GDP, national income and employment) resulting from the system of national accounts.

It provides the measurement of GDP and each of its components, prepared from the perspective of supply, demand and income. Estimates of economic aggregates of supply and demand are presented both at current prices and in terms of volume.

It also includes the measurement of gross national income (GNI) and gross national disposable income (GNDI), resulting from national economic activity and income flows with the rest of the world.

Employment estimates (in terms of persons employed, hours worked, jobs and full-time equivalent jobs) are also included.

This statistical operation adopts the methodology contained in the European System of Economic Accounts (ESA-2010) in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No. 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 21 May, as do the rest of the statistical operations that make up the Spanish National Accounts, which guarantees the international comparability of its results.

The results correspond to the 2019 Benchmark Revision (ESA 2010). In the Related Links section you may consult the information corresponding to previous accounting bases.