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30 April 2024

Survey on Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Situations 2023. Resident population in centers

Year 2023

Main results

  • 94.7% of persons residing in care centres had some form of disability in 2023.
  • The most frequent type of disabilities were self-care (88.6%), household tasks (86.9%) and mobility (86.2%).
  • 52.8% of persons with disabilities reported encountering some form of accessibility issue, either inside or outside the centre.
  • 94.4% of persons with disabilities who reside in care centres never felt discriminated due to their disability.
  • 74.2% of persons with disabilities considered the contact they had with family, friends or acquaintances to be adequate.

A total of 357,894 residents in care centres had some form of disability in 2023, which represented 94.7% of the persons residing in care centres. By sex, 124,774 were male and 233,121 female.

By age, 65.0% of the population with disabilities in care centres were 80 or older, 20.0% were between 65 and 79, and 15.0% were between 6 and 64.

65.1% of persons with disabilities in care centres were women and 34.9% were men.

73.8% of women were 80 or older while this percentage was 48.5% for men. On the other hand, 25.4% of men were under 65 years old, a percentage that dropped to 9.5% for women.

Persons with disabilities residing in care centres by age and sex. Year 2023

Absolute figures

The most frequent disabilities were related to basic activities of daily life. 88.6% of the people with disabilities had problems with personal care, 86.9% with domestic life and 86.2% had major mobility difficulties.

These disabilities were the most common in all types of centres investigated, although they were less prevalent in supervised housing.

Care centre residents with disabilities by type of centre and main disability groups. Year 2023

Percentage of total residents with disabilities in each type of centre

Note: A person can have disabilities of more than one type

Autonomy level

Out of the 357,894 persons with disabilities residing in care centres, 8.2% decided what and when to eat and 19.7% when to wash themselves. These persons had greater autonomy to decide how and with whom to spend their free time (59.1%) and how to decorate their room with personal items (51.4%).


51.0% of persons with disabilities reported encountering some form of accessibility issue, either inside or outside the centre.

Indoors, they encountered the greatest difficulties in the bathroom (20.7%) and in common areas (19.0%). Outdoors, 27.9% of persons reported having difficulty entering or leaving the care centre, and 47.9% experienced accessibility issues in transportation, buildings, or on the street.

Persons with disabilities residing in care centres by accessibility issues. Year 2023.


By sex, these issues were reported more by women than men. By age, difficulties were greater in persons 80 and older (53.9%).


94.4% of persons with disabilities who reside in care centres never felt discriminated due to their disability. Persons with issues related to interactions and personal relationships were the ones who felt discriminated the most (7.7%). And persons with hearing disabilities, the least (4.0%).

Social relationships

67.6% of persons with disabilities residing in care centres received visits or had meetings with family and friends at least once a week, and 49.2% stayed in touch via telephone, social media or mail, at least once a week. On the other hand, 3.7% did not meet with family members, and 33.9% did not use communication media.

28.4% of persons 80 and older had visitors almost every day, compared to 10.3% for persons under 65.

74.2% of persons with disabilities considered their contact with family, friends, or acquaintances to be adequate, 19.4% considered it insufficient, and 1.7% had no contact.

Persons with disabilities by Autonomous Communities

The Autonomous Communities with the highest rates of persons with disabilities residing in care centre per 1,000 inhabitants were Castilla y León (18.0 persons with disabilities residing in care centres for every 1,000 inhabitants), Aragón (13.2) and Principado de Asturias (12.9).

On the other hand, the lowest rates were observed in the autonomous communities of Melilla and Ceuta (2.5 and 3.3, respectively) and Andalucía (3.8).

Persons with disabilities residing in care centres by Autonomous Communities.

Year 2023. Rates per 1,000 inhabitants

Reviews and data updates

The data published today are final. All results are available on INEBase.

Methodological note

The general objective of EDAD-centres 2023 is to meet the demand for information from Public Administrations and numerous users such as the organizations from the Third Sector of Social Action, providing a statistical base for policy planning aimed at persons with disabilities.

The survey is designed to calculate the number of persons with disabilities residing in care centres for older persons and persons with disabilities, long-stay hospitals and supervised or monitored housing, both at the national and regional levels, and to identify their various disabilities and their severity, as well as the use or need for technical or personal assistance. Additionally, it provides information on the health status, discrimination, social networks and contacts, personal autonomy, accessibility, personal care, and expenses of persons with disabilities residing in care centres.

The statistical operation has been developed in two phases. Firstly, after the development of a framework with the centres under study, a brief questionnaire was given to all of them with the purpose of cross-referencing the framework and obtain the necessary information for the sample design. Subsequently, in the second phase, a sample of centres and persons was selected for the completion of individual questionnaires. The sample consists of approximately 14,800 persons, distributed across 963 centres. The data have been weighted to be representative at the national and regional level.

Type of operation:
statistics with irregular periodicity.
Population scope:
population aged six and older residing in care centres for older persons and persons with disabilities, long-stay hospitals, and supervised or monitored housing.
Reference period for the results:
Sampling type:
two-stage sampling with stratification in the first stage units. The first stage units are the centres and the second stage units are the persons residing in those centres.
Collection method:
CAWI for the centre questionnaire and CAPI for individual questionnaires.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and the Code of Best Practices.

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