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15 March 2024

Structural Enterprise Statistics: Industrial Sector

Year 2022

Main results

  • Turnover in the Industrial Sector increased by 26.5% in 2022 and stood at 928,151 million euros.
  • Nearly nine out of 10 companies in the sector were manufacturers, which accounted for 76.3% of the total turnover of the sector.
  • The Autonomous Communities with the greatest contribution to industrial turnover in 2022 were Cataluña (20.5% of the total) and Comunidad de Madrid (12.5%).

Turnover of companies in the Industrial Sector stood at 928,151 million euros in 2022, which represented an increase of 26.5% as compared with the previous year.

The value added generated by these companies grew by 13.5% and their gross operating surplus by 24.0%.

Industrial Sector. Year 2022. Main magnitudes

Employed personnel in the Industrial Sector grew by 0.2% in 2022. 83.1% of companies had fewer than 10 employees, and another 13.5% had between 10 and 49. Together, these companies with less than 50 workers employed 37.1% of the sector's workforce and their turnover represented 18.5% of the total.

Companies with 250 or more employees, which accounted for 0.6% of the total, employed 40.5% of the workforce and had a turnover of 59.7% of the sector's turnover.

Industrial Sector. Year 2022. Main magnitudes by size of the company

Absolute values and percentage distribution

Results by activity sections

Turnover increased in every activity section in 2022. The largest increased occurred in Electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply (60.5%).

The Manufacturing industry, which accounted for 76.3% of the total turnover of the sector, saw an increase of 20.3% compared to the previous year. Nearly nine out of 10 companies in the sector were manufacturers.

For Water supply, and sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, turnover increased by 8.5%.

Results by activity sections. Year 2022

Results by branch of activity

The branches of activity with the highest contribution to industrial turnover in 2022 were the Manufacture of food products (with 15.5% of the total), Electric power generation, transmission and distribution (14.6%) and Manufacture of coke oven products (8.6%).

The branches of activity that saw the highest increase in turnover were Production and distribution of gas, steam, and air conditioning (144.6%) and Manufacture of coke oven products (64.0%). On the other hand, the branch with the smallest increase in turnover was the Manufacture of tobacco products (4.8%).

Productivity in the manufacturing industry

Productivity (value added per employed person) in the Manufacturing industry sector was 68,658 euros in 2022, an increase of 8.9% compared to the previous year.

The activities with the highest productivity were the Manufacture of coke oven products (1,186,846 euros), Manufacture of tobacco products (163,475) and Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products (118,389).

In contrast, the least productive activities were Clothing manufacturing (30,334 euros per employee), Leather and footwear industry (32,518) and Furniture manufacturing (36,365).

Geographical destination of sales

In 2022, 31.3% of the sales of companies in the Industrial Sector were made outside Spain. 20.0% went to European Union countries and 11.3% to the rest of the world.

The branch of activity with the highest percentage of sales outside of Spain was the Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (69.7% of its total sales).

Branches of activity with the highest percentage of sales outside Spain. Year 2022


Investment in tangible assets

The investment in tangible assets made by the companies in the industry sector was 30,885 million euros in 2022. 71.7% of said investment was made by companies in Manufacturing industry and 19.9% by those in Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply.

Investment in tangible assets represented 16.1% of the value added of these companies. By activity sections, this percentage ranged from 15.2% in Manufacturing industry and 40.0% in Mining and quarrying.

Investment in tangible assets by activity sections. Year 2022

Results by autonomous communities

The Autonomous Communities with the greatest contribution to industrial turnover in 2022 were Cataluña (20.5% of the total), Comunidad de Madrid (12.5%) and Andalucía (12.3%).

In turn, those with the least weight in turnover were Illes Balears and La Rioja (both of them with 0.8%) and Canarias (1.1%).

In terms of employed personnel, Cataluña accounted for 21.2% of employment in the Industrial Sector, Comunitat Valenciana for 12.9% and Andalucia for 10.7%.

Industrial Sector by Autonomous Communities and Cities. Year 2022

Note: To obtain the results by Autonomous Community, the statistical unit considered is the Local Unit whose main activity is industrial. It is a different approach to the national data of the Industrial Sector, based on the Statistical Enterprise which brings together under its main activity the economic and employment data of the legal units that form it, and which may be of another activity than the industrial one.

Reviews and data updates

The data published today are final. All the results of this operation are available on INEbase.

Methodological note

Structural Enterprise Statistics: Industrial Sector is an annual structural statistical operation, aimed at companies whose main activity is described in sections B to E of the National Classification of Economic Activities CNAE-2009. This includes the manufacturing industry, mining and quarrying, electricity, gas, and water supply, and sewerage, waste management and remediation activities.

This operation allows us to ascertain the main structural and economic characteristics of companies in the sector under study by means of a broad set of variables relating to employed personnel, turnover and other income, purchases and consumption, personnel expenses, taxes and investments. The statistic includes economic aggregates such as the value of production and gross value added, as well as the main indicators.

Type of operation:
annual continuous operation.
Population scope:
companies whose main activity is described in sections B to E of CNAE-2009.
Geographical scope:
the entire national territory.
Reference period:
the calendar year, which, with some exceptions, coincides with the company's accounting year.
Sample size:
37,937 units (50% with direct collection and 50% with administrative data).
Collection method:
completion of an online questionnaire by the respondent (IRIA system) and use of administrative sources.

More information on the methodology and the standardised methodological report.

INE statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics. More information on Quality at INE and Code of Best Practices.

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