_Other publications
2023 Yearbook
2023 Yearbook
Demographics and population
Education and Culture
Security and justice
Standard of living, quality of life and living conditions
Labour market
Activity, employment and unemployment
Employment of Persons with Disabilities
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 2,771.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Sex, Type of rate, Persons with and without disabilities
Activity, employment and unemployment rates by sex
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 3,482.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Age group, Type of rate, Persons with and without disabilities
Activity, employment and unemployment rates by age groups
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 3,436.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Type of disability associated with the group of impairments, Type of rate, Persons with disabilities
Activity and employment rates by type of disability
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 1,903.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Degree of disability, Type of rate, Persons with disabilities
Activity and employment rates by degree of disability
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 7,613.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Sex, Relation to the activity, Persons with and without disabilities
Relationship with economic activity and sex
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 9,783.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Age group, Relation to the activity, Persons with and without disabilities
Relation with economic activity and age groups
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 4,951.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Professional Status, Persons with and without disabilities
Employed by professional situation
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 3,709.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Asalariados que cotizan a la Seguridad Social, Organismos o empresas ordinarias, Personas con discapacidad
Percentage of wage earners with disabilities with regard to the total wage earners who make Social Security contributions in organisations or ordinary companies(
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 11,612.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Economic activity situation, Benefit derived from disabilities, Persons with and without disabilities
Benefits, according to whether or not they are derived from disabilities, by economic activity situation
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 7,642.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Economic activity situation, Dependency Situation, Persons with and without disabilities
Recognised Dependency Situation, by economic activity situation
- Última modificación:
- 12/20/2023
- Tamaño del fichero:
- 25,470.00 bytes
- Dimensiones:
Autonomous Community, Relation to the activity, Persons with and without disabilities
Relationship with economic activity and Autonomous Community
Labour Cost
Salaries of persons with disabilities
Vida laboral de las personas con discapacidad
Business and financial and monetary statistics
Industry, energy and construction
Science and Technology