Wage distribution Population Percentages: by wage bracket, according to the general wage distribution

Degree of disability

Units:euros and percentage
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:6
    • Selected:1
  • Choose format of the table
      • Percentiles
      • year
      • Wages and percentage/degree of disability
      . . .
      . . .
      . . .
  • Notes
    • 1) Persons with disabilities refers to persons formally recognised as disabled, with a degree of dissability of 33% or over, according to the procedure for evaluating this established in the RD 1971/1999 and modified by the RD 1856/2009.

      2) When the box is marked with a '-' sign before the data, it indicates that the number of sample observations is between 100 and 500, so the figure is subject to great variability.

      3) (..) = data not available.
Total: 0seriesy 0cells
  • Source:Spanish National Statistics Institute