First-Marriage Indicators National results

Average age at First-Marriage by sex and nationality (Spanish/Foreign)

Units: Years
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      • Period
      • Territorial Totals
      • Sex
      • Nationality
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  • Notes ( 5 )
    • The results of 2012 to 2020 (nationals, by autonomous communities and by provinces) have been updated with the Intercensal population estimates.
      The results of 2021 (nationals, by autonomous communities and by provinces) have been updated with the annual census on 1 January, 2021 and 1 January, 2022.
    • The results for the 1980-1985 period may be affected by a subregister of marriages in the Vital Statistics of the population located in the provinces of Murcia, Salamanca, Valladolid, Girona, Alicante/Alacant and Guadalajara.
    • Information available only for final data.
    • Disaggregation by nationality is available as of 2002.
    • The provisional indicators of marriage rate have been made taking into account the province of registration of marriages instead of the province of residence, as a result of the change in the source of the provisional data of the Marriage Statistics, which have been changed to the computerized Civil Registries. The definitive results are not affected by this modification.
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