INEbase / List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit / Search results

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5 results found

List of place name: Population of the Continuous Municipal Register by Population Unit at 1st January
Province Municipality Population unit  Year 2006  Year 2007  Year 2008
Total population Males Females Total population Males Females Total population Males Females
09 Burgos 340 San Millán de Lara 00 00 00 SAN MILLÁN DE LARA 78 56 22 79 58 21 77 55 22
09 Burgos 340 San Millán de Lara 00 01 00 IGLESIAPINTA 36 26 10 37 27 10 37 26 11
09 Burgos 340 San Millán de Lara 00 01 01 IGLESIAPINTA 36 26 10 37 27 10 37 26 11
09 Burgos 340 San Millán de Lara 00 02 00 SAN MILLÁN DE LARA 42 30 12 42 31 11 40 29 11
09 Burgos 340 San Millán de Lara 00 02 01 SAN MILLÁN DE LARA 42 30 12 42 31 11 40 29 11