
Cifras INE

Sustainable Development Goals (11/17)

11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

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The “2030 Agenda Indicators for Sustainable Development” are an operation of the National Statistics Plan drawn up by the INE in partnership with the statistical services of the ministries. Its results can be viewed at: https://www.ine.es/dyngs/ODS/es/index.htm.

By means of Goal 11 countries commit to promote the construction of resilient infrastructures, foster inclusive industrialisation and encourage innovation. For this purpose, the global framework establishes the following goals: 1) Progressively achieve and maintain the income growth of the poorest 40% of the population at a rate higher than the national average; 2) Enhance and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all people, regardless of their age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic situation or any other condition; 3) Ensure equality of opportunities and reduce inequality of outcomes, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislations, policies and measures in this regard; 4) Adopt policies, especially those related to taxes, salaries and social protection, and progressively achieve greater equality; 5) Improve the regulation and surveillance of global financial institutions and markets and reinforce the implementation of these regulations; 6) Ensure greater representation and the involvement of developing countries in the decisions made by international economic and financial institutions to increase the effectiveness, reliability, accountability and legitimacy of said institutions; 7) Facilitate the orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies; 8) Apply the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, particularly the least developed ones, in accordance with the agreements of the World Trade Organisation; 9) Promote official assistance for development and financial flows and 10) By 2030, reduce the transaction costs of migrants’ remittances to less than 3% and eliminate remittance corridors costing more than 5%.

The global framework contains 15 indicators for the monitoring of Goal 11. 20 subindicators corresponding to 11 global indicators have been published on the national platform of indicators. There is also a goal that temporarily has no assigned indicator. Therefore, the coverage rate of the SDG 11 indicators stands at 73%.


Subir Premature deaths attributed to exposure to fine particles

The Premature deaths attributed to exposure to fine particles indicator estimates the number of premature deaths attributable to prolonged exposure to particles with a diameter shorter than 2.5 micrometres which can be transported deep into the lungs, where they can cause inflammation and exacerbate the condition of people suffering from heart and lung diseases. It is a leading indicator of the 8th Environment Action Program monitoring framework and serves to monitor the goal of reducing the number of premature deaths attributed to PM2.5 by 55% by 2030 in comparison with 2005.

In 2020, the three European countries that recorded the lowest rates of premature deaths attributed to exposure to PM2.5 particles were Finland (with a rate of 1 per 100,000 population), Sweden and Estonia (both with a rate of 4).

On the other hand, the three European countries with the highest figures for this indicator were Bulgaria (153), Romania (112) and Croatia (102).

Spain recorded a rate of 38 deaths per 100,000 population in 2020, compared to the rate of 50 in 2015. As for the EU 27 rate, it stood at 73 in 2015 and 54 in 2020.

Subir Population living in homes with certain housing deficiencies

The indicator Population living in households that suffer certain problems in the dwelling measures the proportion of people who have problems in their homes with leaks, dampness in walls, floors, ceilings and foundations or rot in floors, window frames and doors. The data source is the Survey on Living Conditions conducted by the INE.

The population in Spain living in households with certain problems in the dwelling stood at 19.7% in 2020, a rise of 4.5 percentage points with respect to 2015 (15.2%).

By sexes, the proportion of women was 19.7% and that of men was 19.8%.

Analysis of the age groups shows that the group aged 25 to 34, with 22.7%, was the one with the highest proportion of the population living in households that suffer certain problems in the dwelling, while the group aged 65 years and older, with 16.9%, was the one with the lowest proportion.

The four autonomous communities that recorded the highest values for this indicator were the Canary Islands (33.1%), the Region of Murcia (26.3%), Extremadura and Catalonia (both with 23.1%). At the other end of the scale stood La Rioja (4.3%), Aragón (13.0%) and the Community of Madrid (13.5%).

Subir Urban waste generated and recycled

The indicators Urban waste generated per capita, Proportion of urban waste incinerated, Proportion of discharged urban waste and Proportion of urban waste recycled have the statistics on waste collection and treatment drawn up by the INE as their source. The main objective of this operation is to quantify the urban waste collected and its final treatment in physical units. Thus, the total amounts treated for each category of waste enables us to ascertain which amount corresponds to each of the treatment operations included.

The urban waste generated in Spain during 2020 totalled 473.3 kilograms per capita, representing an increase of 6.9 kilograms per capita (466.4 kg per capita) with respect to 2015.

The three autonomous communities with the most kilograms of urban waste per inhabitant were the Balearic Islands (572.8), Cantabria (556.5) and the Canary Islands (546.7), while the three communities with the lowest figures were the Basque Country (367.9), the Community of Madrid (378.7) and Galicia (415.6).

By treatment operation, the proportion of urban waste recycled in Spain stood at 39.6% in 2020, representing an increase of 9.8 percentage points with respect to 2015 (29.8%). The proportion of incinerated urban waste increased from 12.5% in 2015 to 12.2% in 2020, while the proportion of dumped urban waste fell from 57.8% in 2015 to 48.2% in 2020. This represented a fall of 0.3 and 9.6 percentage points respectively.

Subir Preservation, protection and conservation of cultural heritage

The source of information of indicator 11.4.1 Total per capita expenditures of public sources intended for the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage is the Statistic on Public Financing Expenditure on Culture. This provides information on the annual public expenditure assigned to culture in the recognized obligations phase, carried out by the authorities in each of its areas (state, regional and local), as well as its breakdown by economic nature and the destination of the expenditure. The information is collected in a coordinated manner by the Ministry of Culture and Sports (MCUD) in the three administrations in accordance with homogeneous models.

The total per capita expenditures of public sources intended for the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage stood at 30.45 euros per capita in 2020. This represented an increase of 3.21 euros per capita with respect to 2015 (27.24 euros per capita).

The central government allocated 6.86 euros per capita to the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage. The regional governments assigned 10.70 euros per capita while the local governments allocated 12.89 euros.

In the case of the central government, this represented a fall of 4.7% between 2015 and 2020, while the regional governments increased the expenditure by 15.3% and the local governments did so by 19.8%.

Subir Measuring progress on Goal 11

Progress in Spain on the SDG 11 subindicators is presented, distinguishing between short-term progress (latest year available compared to the previous year) and medium-term progress (since 2015, i.e. the baseline year). In both cases the compound annual growth rate has been used.

For indicators with positive normative direction (increases are desirable) we have: growth rates greater than or equal to 0.5% are considered progress (), rates in the range [0% - 0.5%) slight progress (), rates in the range [-0.5% - 0) slight decline () and for rates less than -0.5%, a decline (). For indicators that do not evolve, is used.

For indicators with a negative normative direction, the categories are reversed.

Among the 20 subindicators shown in the table, in the medium term, 12 of them are progressing favourably, two display slight progress, one shows a slight regression, four are regressing and another one cannot be assessed due to insufficient data.

Subindicator Unit Last year Last year’s value Medium-term progress   Short term progress Population living in households that suffer certain problems in the dwelling Percentage 2020 19.70 5.3% 34.0% Population suffering an excessive level of housing expenditure Percentage 2021 9.90 -0.7% 20.7% Population reporting noise from neighbours or from the street Percentage 2020 21.90 6.9% 55.3% Relationship between the land consumption rate and the population growth rate Percentage 2018 2.93 n.d.   n.d. Proportion of cities with a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management that operate regularly and democratically Percentage 2022 0.06 Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage, by public funding Euros per capita 2020 30.45 2.3% 1.5% Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage, funded by the national government Euros per capita 2020 6.86 -1.0% -4.1% Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage, funded by the regional governments Euros per capita 2020 10.7 2.9% 13.2% Total per capita expenditure on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage, funde by the local governments Euros per capita 2020 0.13 -4.4% -3.7% Number of deaths directly attributed to disasters per 100,000 population Per 100,000 2021 0.13 -4.4% 8.3% Global data on insured damage to property and damage to persons (direct damage) caused by extraordinary risks (flooding, earthquakes, high winds, terrorism, etc.) Millions of euros 2021 528.48 17.7% 46.8% Urban waste generated per capita Kilograms per capita 2020 473.30 0.3% -2.2% Proportion of incinerated urban waste Percentage 2020 12.15 -0.5% 10.6% Proportion of discharged urban waste Percentage 2020 48.23 -3.5% -5.5% Proportion of recycled urban waste Percentage 2020 39.62 5.9% 4.4% Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter PM10 in cities (population weighted) Micrograms/cubic metre 2020 20.30 -3.2% n.d. Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter PM2,5 in cities (population weighted) Micrograms/cubic metre 2020 10.70 -4.4% n.d.  
11.a.1.1. Proportion of the population residing in municipalities that have General Plans and Subsidiary Rules of municipal planning or equivalent figures Percentage 2022 99.36 0.2% n.d.  
11.b.1.1. Extent of adoption and implementation of national disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 Range [0,1] 2021 0.57 14.7% 18.8%
11.b.2.1. Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies Percentage 2021 68 15.9% 61.9%


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