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Women and Men in Spain
NIPO 222-24-015-1
ISSN 2255-0402
The purpose of this publication is to provide, from a gender perspective, a selection of the most relevant indicators at the present moment that enable analysing the situation of men and women, in certain social and economic areas, such as education, employment, wages and social inclusion, science and technology, etc.
The publication has been divided into eight broad subjects, which contain files associated with different indicators. Each file is independent from the rest, and consists of: introduction, definitions, observations, sources and a section with more information providing some relevant links. Each indicator has a selection of tables that the user may view or download in different formats, along with a graph. In addition to having the option of downloading tables and accessing sources of information, users may edit the content in a PDF file. The objective of the INE, in including these improvements, is to encourage the usability of statistical data, through a dynamic and more attractive and useful publication.
As of the year 2012, the publication as a whole will not be updated on a specific date, but each chapter will henceforth be updated individually, in so far as the corresponding sources of information are published. The date of the latest update to the different chapters appears in each of them.
Lastly, the INE would like to express thanks for the cooperation both of the Institute of Women, which has provided the information in chapters 7 (Crime and violence) and 8 (Power and decision-making), and of other bodies and persons who have made possible the variety of information available in each file.
Publication Index
- 1. Employment (updated on 18 June 2024)
- 2. Wages, income, social cohesion (updated on 13 February 2024)
3. Education (updated on 16 September 2024)
- 3.1 Tasas de escolarización por edad en niveles no obligatorios
- 3.2 Abandono temprano de la educación-formación
- 3.3 Población joven que ha completado la 2ª etapa de educación secundaria
- 3.4 Población de 30 a 34 años con educación superior
- 3.5 Mujeres graduadas en educación superior
- 3.6 Graduados según nivel educativo. Pruebas de acceso a la universidad. Estudiantes matriculados en educación universitaria
- 3.7 Graduados en ciencias, matemáticas y tecnología
- 3.8 Inserción laboral de los Titulados Universitarios
- 3.9 Nivel de formación de la población adulta (de 25 a 64 años)
- 3.10 Mujeres en el profesorado por enseñanza que imparten
- 3.11 Formación permanente y continua (población de 25 a 64 años)
- 3.12 Indicadores de participación cultural
- 4. Health (updated on 20 February 2024)
- 5. Reconciliation of work and family life (updated on 13 March 2024)
- 6. Science and technology, information society (updated on 14 January 2025)
- 7. Crime and violence (updated on 16 October 2024)
- 8. Power and decision-making (updated on 19 December 2024)