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Health and Sexual Habits Survey 2003. General Report
NIPO 605-07-024-4
Through this publication, the National Statistics Institute (INE) and the Secretariat of the National AIDS Plan (SNAP) jointly present a Health and Sexual Habits Survey analysis. This study is of great interest due to its contribution to the design of prevention policies preventing the spread of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), causing AIDS, and it provides a comprehensive outlook on the results obtained in the HSHS.
Contents of the publication (Files in PDF format)
- Foreword (Pdf 55 Kb.)
- Authors and collaborator (Pdf 26 Kb.)
- Introduction and Objectives (Pdf 158 Kb.)
Methodology (Pdf 809Kb.)
1. Instruments and procedures for collecting information
2. Sample design
3. Evaluation of instruments and procedures
4. The working field
5. Survey response
6. Preparing data for analysis
7. Analysing and presenting data
Results (Pdf 6.692 Kb.)
1. Experience and diversity
2. The first sexual relationships
3. Number of type of couples
4. Sexual relationships with persons practicing prostitution
5. Risk management and use of contraceptives
6. Sexually transmitted infections
7. HIV test
8. Sexual information
9. Attitudes, opinions and literacy on AIDS and prevention alternatives - Library references (Pdf 72 Kb.)
- Annex. Questionnaire (Pdf 188 Kb.)
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