- Statistical Organisation in Spain
General scheme
The Statistical system of the State Administration is in charge of the compilation of official statistics of the Spanish State (statistics for state purposes), as well as the official statistics of the European Statistical System (European Statistics).
Description of the statistical organization in Spain
Law 12/1989, of 9 May (modified in the BOE 08-07-2022), on the Public Statistical Services (LFEP) are the basic legal regulations for carrying out the statistical activity in the General State Administration. According to the LFEP, the public statistical function in the scope of the GAS is developed by the National Statistics Institute (INE); the ministerial department units and those of any other public institutions dependent on them, to whom that function has been entrusted, and the High Council on Statistics.
Statistical Units of the State Administration
Interministerial Statistics Commission
Interterritorial Statistics Committee
Indeed, given the administrative organization in Spain, there is a statistical system available for each Autonomous Community. This system creates statistics for its territorial area, which is entrusted by the respective legal standards (autonomy statutes, statistical laws, statistics plans, etc.).