- International Statistical Cooperation
Activities of bilateral and multilateral cooperation
The technical cooperation carried out by the INE is regularized through a series of activities that involve an exchange of experiences between professionals and experts in official statistics. Through these varied activities, we aim to address the needs of the recipient countries in our areas of excellence, designing specific actions in which development objectives come first .
All training activities combine a theoretical approach with the necessary practical references. This will allow the participants to transfer, apply and increase the knowledge obtained and use it in their home institutions.
Pan-African Statistics Program
The INE, in consortium with other European statistical offices, has been selected to enact the “Pan-African Statistics Program II” (PAS II). This is a statistical cooperation program co-financed by the European Union, whose objective is to support African integration by strengthening the African Statistical System.
During the 2022-2025 period, the INE must implement a series of activities related to Demographic Statistics, Indicators of the 2030 Agenda, Health Statistics, Education Statistics, National Accounts and the Statistical Registry of Companies.
Technical cooperation activities on Statistics carried out by the INE in 2022
- Online course “Index Numbers: Theoretical Aspects and Application to Short-term Statistics” aimed at Latin American countries. From May 2 to 22, 2022.
- Study visit of the Central Bank of Honduras on Quarterly GDP. From May 11 to 13, 2022.
- Online course "User-oriented statistical communication" aimed at Latin American countries. From May 16 to June 5, 2022.
- Participation in the workshop on “The value of producing mobility statistics”, with the NSI of Uruguay. May 27 2022.
- Technical assistance by videoconference with the NSI of Chile on the experience of the INE in the implementation of the GSBPM standard. May 27 2022.
- Online course "Environmental Accounts: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Aspects” aimed at Latin American countries. From May 30 to June 26, 2022.
- Study visit of a delegation of Egyptian officials as part of the CONMIGO Project "Improving migration governance through institutional support". May 31 2022.
- Technical assistance by videoconference with the NSI of Chile on Information Security July 14 2022.
- Technical assistance by videoconference with the INEC of Costa Rica on Updating the Inventory of Statistical Operations (ISO). July 19 2022.
- Study visit of the Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Statistics of Science and Technology of Brazil on Statistics of Science and Technology. September 5 2022.
- Study visit of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) on Regional Accounting Aggregates. September 16 2022.
- Online course "SDG Indicators for 2030 Agenda" aimed at African countries, within the framework of the Pan-African Statistics Program II. From September 29 to October 9, 2022.
- Technical assistance by videoconference with INDEC and with the Ministry of Tourism of Argentina on the Resident Tourism Survey. October 5 2022.
- Online course "National Accounts" aimed at African countries, within the framework of the Pan-African Statistics Program II. From October 3 to 30.
- Online course "Introduction to Social Statistics" aimed at Latin American countries. From October 10 to 30, 2022.
- Online course "Structure and Functioning of Official Statistical Systems" aimed at Latin American countries. From October 31 to November 27, 2022.
- Online course "Demographic Indicators" aimed at African countries, within the framework of the Pan-African Statistics Program II. From November 7 to 27, 2022.