- European Statistical System
ESS Vision 2020
The ESS Vision 2020 is a common strategic response of the European Statistical System (Eurostat, EU Member States and EFTA countries) to the challenges that official statistics is facing. It was adopted by the ESS Committee in May 2014.
The ESS Vision 2020 identifies five key areas in which common action is needed in order for European statistics to be "fit for the future". These areas are:
- Attention to users, channelling and meeting their needs.
- Reinforcement of the quality.
- Exploiting of the new sources of information.
- Boost of the most efficient statistical production processes
- Improvement of the dissemination and communication of statistics
As agreed by the ESS Committee, the implementation of the ESS Vision 2020 is taken forward by progressing on a portfolio of common projects that is complemented by so called "supporting frameworks", and is steered by a dedicated ESS governance structure.