- National Statistics Institute
Annual Accounts
The Annual Accounts of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística are compiled in accordance with the Ley General Presupuestaria (General Budgetary Law) and its development regulations, in order to show a fair picture of the assets, the financial situation, the finance-assets and the budget implementation.
In this section, the complete Annual Accounts as of 2013 are available to consult, as well as the correspondent auditing reports. The link is carried out by the Register of Annual Public Sector Accounts, published in the website of the Administración Presupuestaria de la Intervención General de la Administración del Estado (IGAE) (Budgetary Administration of the General State Comptroller). Besides, this information is published too in the Portal de la Transparencia, in accordance with the Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno (19/1013 Law, December 9, of transparency, public information access an good government).