- Household income distribution map
- Spanish Regional Accounts. Base 2010. Household Income Distribution Accounts.
- Living Conditions Survey
- Living Conditions Survey. Provisional data
- Quality of Life Survey. Methodology
- Living Conditions Survey. Module 2016
- Living Conditions Survey. Module 2016
- Living Conditions Survey. Module on Well-being
- Living Conditions Survey. Module 2019
- Time Use Survey
- Time Use Survey.Volume 1
- Time Use Survey. Volume 2
- Household Budget Survey (Base 2006)
- Survey on Centres and Services to Support for Homeless Persons
- Survey on expenditure of households in education
- Survey on Equipment and Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Households (ICT-H)
- Survey on Households and the Environment
- Survey on homeless people (people)
- HBS. Module 2009
- HBS. Module 2010: Wellfare
- Quality of Life Indicators.
- Housing price index
- Free Time Use