Statistics on Acquisition of Spanish Citizenship of Residents National results

Acquisitions of nationality by gender and country of birth

Units: Persons
  • Select values to consult
    • Selected:3
    • Selected:1
    • Selected:1
  • Choose format of the table
      • Period
      • Sex
      • Country of birth
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  • Notes ( 4 )
    • Los resultados de esta tabla se ofrecen con cifras decimales hasta el año 2016
    • The grouping 'Country of the EU28 without Spain' does not include Croatia for the years before 2013
    • The category 'Spain' in the variable 'Country of birth' includes the former Spanish territories.
    • With the entry into force of Brexit starting in January 2020, the EU-27 aggregate replaces the EU-28 from this point forward, subtracting the UK figures from the EU
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