Series Base 2013. Income data since 2008; other data from 2004
- National results
- Average net annual income (year prior to interview)
- Risk of poverty (income year before the interview)
- Poverty risk Rate with fixed threshold (income year before the interview)
- Inequality in the distribution of income (income year before the interview)
- Material deprivation
- Housing
- Risk of poverty or social exclusion (Europa 2030 goal) (income from the previous year to the interview)
- Risk of poverty or social exclusion (Europe 2020 Strategy)(income year before the interview)
- Results by Autonomous Community
- Average annual net income (year prior to interview)
- Risk of poverty (income year before the interview)
- Poverty risk Rate with fixed threshold (income year before the interview)
- Inequality in the distribution of income (income year before the interview)
- Material deprivation
- Dwelling
- Risk of poverty or social exclusion (Europa 2030 goal) (income from the previous year to the interview)
- Risk of poverty or social exclusion (Europe 2020 strategy)(income year before the interview)
- National results
Latest data
Year 2024
Published: 13/02/2025
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Life Conditions Survey. Base 2013
- 2023. Module on housing conditions and energy efficiency and intergenerational transmission of poverty /
- Press release: Housing conditions and energy efficiency / Press release: Intergenerational transmission of poverty
- 2022. Health and quality of life modules / Press release
- 2021. COVID-19 impact modules, modes of coexistence and children’s conditions, and child material deprivation
- 2020. Module on over-indebtedness and savings / Press release
- 2019. Module on intergenerational transmission of poverty / Press release
- 2018. Module on welfare / Press release
- 2017. Module on health / Press release
- 2016. Module on access to the services / Press release
- 2015. Module on social participation / Press release
- 2014. Module on Material Insufficiency / Press release
- 2013. Module on welfare / Press release
Latest data
Año 2023 Publicado: 30/04/2024
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Life Conditions Survey. Base 2004
- 2012. Housing conditions Press release
- 2011. Intergenerational transmission of poverty
- 2010. Ability to make decisions
- 2009. Material deprivation
- 2008. Over-indebtedness and financial exclusion
- 2007. Conditions in the dwelling
- 2006. Social participation
- 2005. Intergenerational transmission of poverty
The INE is not responsible for the results that the recipients of the data obtain from these files based on their own calculations. In addition, recipients undertake to cite, in any publication derived therefrom, the INE as the primary data source (source: INE,, as well as the fact that the degree of accuracy or reliability of the information derived from the authors' own calculations is the sole responsibility of the authors themselves.
- Questionnaire (PDF)
- General methodology (PDF)
- Use of the administrative files (PDF)
Cross-sectional files. Base 2013
- In the Living Conditions Survey for the year 2013 a new methodology has been applied in order to compile data related to the household incomes. This new methodology is based on the mining of administrative files. More information. Data referring to the household incomes have been elaborated by using a mixed methodology, which combines data provided by the informant with administrative dossiers of the Spanish Tax Administration Agency, Social Security, the Navarra Tax Agency and the Regional Government of Bizkaia.
Due to the change in the methodology, a series break occurs in the 2013 survey. That implies that the 2013 income data are not comparable with the data published in the previous years with base 2004. For this reason, back data of microdata 2008-2011 (base 2013) have been compiled in which the income variables have been produced using the methodology applied to the 2013 survey. The format of these cross-sectional files (base 2013) is the same than that of the ones built with the former methodology (base 2004).
For more information, you can check the files General methodoogy and Use of Administative files.
- In the Living Conditions Survey for the year 2013 a new methodology has been applied in order to compile data related to the household incomes. This new methodology is based on the mining of administrative files. More information. Data referring to the household incomes have been elaborated by using a mixed methodology, which combines data provided by the informant with administrative dossiers of the Spanish Tax Administration Agency, Social Security, the Navarra Tax Agency and the Regional Government of Bizkaia.
Cross-sectional files. Base 2004
Longitudinal files. Base 2004