Links to other sections on INEbase
- Quarterly Spanish National Accounts
- Quarterly non-financial accounts for the institutional sectors
- Spanish Regional Accounts
- Spanish Tourism Satellite Account
Historical with previous bases
2019 Benchmark Revision
- GDP at market prices
- National disposable income
- Compensation of employees and employment by activity
- Gross fixed-capital formation by type of asset
Base 2010 (ESA 2010)
- GDP at market prices
- National disposable income
- Salaries and employment by activity
- Gross fixed-capital formation by type of asset
- Spanish National Accounts base 2010. Project
Base 2008 (ESA 1995)
- Accounting series 2000-2012
- Homogeneous series 1995-2012
- Input-Output framework
- Methodology
Base 2000 (ESA 1995)
- Accounting series 1995-2009
- Input-Output Framework
- Methodological documents
Base 1995 (ESA 1995)
- Results
- Methodological documents
Previous bases (ESA 1979)
Related videos and audiovisual material