04006Inventario Nacional de Erosión de Suelos

Department responsible
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs - General Subsecretariat of Agriculture and Food
Executing unit
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs - Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs
Participation of other institutions
Consejerías con competencia en la materia de Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha y País Vasco
Type of operation
Real statistics with results grouped in tables
Sector or subject
Environment and sustainable development
Subsector or subsubject
Environmental quality, vigilance, control and prevention
Secondary sector or subject
Agriculture, livestock, forestry and hunting
Breakdown level
Methodology of data collection methodology
Other forms of obtaining data
Form of data collection
Direct observation of facts or phenomena
Overall objective
Estudio de la pérdida de suelo por erosión hídrica, laminar y en regueros
Study variables
Pérdidas de suelo por unidad de superficie y tiempo
Classification variables
Niveles erosivos, torrencialidad, presencia de procesos erosivos
Type of dissemination
Publicación, CD-Rom e Internet
Periodicity of dissemination
Periodicity of data collection
Type of operation
Administrative sources
No aplicable
Dictated by the High Council on Statistics
Sí - En la reunión de la Comisión Permanente del CSE de 4-12-2012
These are European statistics, according to European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 223/2009

History sheet