4392Indicator of Hospital Emergencies for Consumers of Psychoactive Substances from the Spanish Drug Observatory

Describe the sociodemographic characteristics of the psychoactive substance consumers treated in the hospital emergency services, and some of their consumption patterns
Institutions that intervene
MSC, drug departments of some Autonomous Governments
General description (main variables)
Hospital emergencies for psychoactive substance consumers in a given year, Age, sex, date of admission in accident and emergency, nationality, province and municipality of residence, legal condition of the patient (arrested or not), emergency diagnosis, name of the drugs and means of administering them, evidence of a direct relationship between the drug use and the emergency, name of the drugs related to the emergency in the clinical history, most recent means of consuming the related drugs, resolution of the emergency.
Hospital emergency episodes for psychoactive substance consumers
Frequency of data collection
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the four-year period 2005-2008  (in thousands euros)


Plan incidences sheet