4033Balance of Supplies of Agrarian Products

Institutions that intervene
Works that will be carried out in the year 2005
  • Compilation of provisional balances for total wine, quality wine produced in specific regions (vcprd) and table wines for the 2004/2005 season.
  • Compilation of definitive balances for total wine, vcprd and table wines for the 2003/2004 season
  • Compilation of provisional balances for 50 agricultural products different from wine from 2004/2005.
  • Compilation of definitive balances for 50 agrarian products different from wine from 2003/2004.
  • Compilation of provisional meat balances from seven animal species in the year 2004.
  • Compilation of definitive meat balances from seven animal species in the year 2003.
  • Compilation of provisional balances for 13 livestock products other than meat in the year 2003.
  • Compilation of definitive balances for 13 livestock products other than meat in the year 2003.
  • Dissemination to Eurostat and in the MAPA"Monthly statistical bulletin.
Budgetary credits necessary for its finance in the year 2005  (in thousands euros)


Plan sheet      Plan incidences sheet